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How to Insert Emoticons to your Gmail Messages
August 11, 2023
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This post describes how to insert emojis to your Gmail messages. Here are the detailed steps with images:
1. In this very first step we will begin with composing a new message.
2. A new message box will be opened.
3. Click on the Insert emoji button (Smiling face icon at the bottom) in the formatting toolbar. With this a box will appear with showing emojis - as you can see in the above image.
4. Now click on the emoji you want to insert to your Gmail message. In the above image I have clicked on the emoji "smiling face with sunglasses" and you can see that the emoji as been inserted in the Gmail message.
You can insert various emojis in your Gmail messages. Gmail has a large collection of emojis.
Gmail Emojis
Smiley Symbol
8 Emojis on iPhone Vs. Android - Comparing Looks
August 10, 2023
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We love emojis while texting messages to our friends, loved ones... In this post, we are comparing the looks of emojis of similar types on Android and iPhone. The below emojis include Flamingo emoji, Garlic emoji, Kite emoji, Orangutan emoji, Sloth emoji, Swimsuit emoji, Yawning face emoji & Dog emoji.
Checkout this comparison and let us know your thoughts on this using the comments section below:
iPhone emoji vs. Android emoji:
Android Emoticons
iPhone emojis
10+ Cool iOS Emojis in Big Size (My Collection)
August 8, 2023
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iOS stands for iPhone operating system. We have a long list of emojis embedded in this operating system. In this post, I have collected some of the cool emojis of iOS. All these amazing cool emojis are in big sizes. Check the below collection and let me know which one is your favorite using the comments section below.
Smiley Symbol
8 Best Christmas Tree Smileys and Emojis
December 1, 2021
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Make a wish Christmas is almost here. Modern Tannenbaum also known as Christmas trees are traditionally decorated with lights, tinsel and ornaments and then lit on Christmas Eve with cookies, nuts and gifts under its branches.
In this blog post, we have designed some of the great smileys using Christmas trees and various expressions on it. These Christmas trees are decorated using star and amazing expressions. Check out the below collection and let us know which one you liked the most.
Merry Christmas!!
Related Christmas Smiley & Emojis:
Christmas Smileys
10 Woozy Drunk Face Smiley Expression
May 27, 2021
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The cockeyed expression with a crumpled mouth in a yellow face. In this, you will find 10 woozy drunk face smiley in various styles. Its dazed expression may also represent feelings like disgust, wackiness, exhaustion or irritation.
Checkout the below collection of smiley face with uneven eyes and wavy mouth and share your views in the comments section.
Drunk Emoji
Smiley Symbol
10+ Smiley Face Thank You Emoji
January 4, 2021
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Thank you is commonly used when you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you. In other words it is expressing gratitude for something to someone.
In this post, you will find some of the great smiley face thank you emoji. All these smileys are with a "Thank You!!" message. This is the best collection of thanks emoji, find the one you like the most and send it to someone you want to say Thank You!!
Also read:
15 Smileys with Thanks Message
Thank You Smiley
Thanks Emoji
Thanks Smileys
10 Popular Smiley Face with Medical Mask
May 22, 2020
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Now-a-days mask is commonly used to avoid sickness or spreading airborne diseases like COVID-19. In this post, we have collected 10 Popular Smiley Face with Medical Mask which are commonly used on the web and mobile by various platforms. These smiley are also known as Mask Face, Surgical Mask, Covid-19, Coronavirus, Face with Medical Mask, Smiley with Mask, Mask Emoji... etc.
Also read: Coronavirus Precautions
Smiley Face
Smiley Mask
Smiley Symbol
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