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20 Cool Smileys with Mustache

November 8, 2013 / No Comments

20 Cool Smileys with Mustache

Mustache is facial hair grown on the upper lip and below the nose. When it comes to cool smileys, the mustache looks very funny and amazing. In the below collection you will find the smileys having mustache in many different styles. All these smiley symbol styles and different and unique. Let me know by your comments which one did you like the most.

Related Post: Smileys with Mustache

Yellow Smiley with Mustache

Facebook Emoticons - All Time Hit

November 5, 2013 / No Comments

Facebook Emoticons - All Time Hit

Facebook is very popular among the internet users and the popularity is increasing day by day. To add little fun and make things more interesting emoticons play a very important role. We can express our feelings using emoticons and also do a lot of fun by sharing it with family and friends.

List of Facebook Emoticons:

Facebook Emoticons