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20 Sensational Smiley Wallpapers of iPhone 4S

January 28, 2014 / No Comments

20 Sensational Smiley Wallpapers of iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S is a Apple product and is very popular around the world. In this post, I have collected 20 most sensational smiley wallpapers for iPhone 4S which can make your mobile screen more beautiful. Smiley is the symbol of happiness and if you are going to add this smiley face wallpaper on our mobile then you may be happy while looking at it. Enjoy this collection and share your comments :-)

iPhone Smiley Wallpaper

40 Cool Smileys and Emoticons (Collection)

January 5, 2014 / No Comments
Smileys are filled with humor, they can make anybody laugh. In this post, we have collected 40 amazing smileys which can make you smile. All these smileys are in different moods like few are enjoying the Christmas celebration, few are new year, some are playing with football, some are celebrating the festivals like Easter, Halloween.. etc. Enjoy this collection of various smileys. 

Accident Smiley