
Browsing "Older Posts"

12 Smileys and Emoticons in Various Colors

April 7, 2014 / No Comments
I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today, I will smile tomorrow and I will smile all the time.Simply because life is too short to cry. In this post, you will find the best collection of smileys in various colors. All these smileys have an emotion of happiness with a great smile on it. Check out this collection and let me know which color smiley you like the most :-)

15 Very Sad Smileys And Emoticons (My Collection)

February 25, 2014 / No Comments
If you are sad, very sad then these smileys are the best way to express your sadness. These internet smileys can be used if you are sad, not good, unhappy etc. In this, post I have gathered 15 very sad/unhappy smileys and emoticons. All these smileys have unique styles & colors. Checkout this collection and share your thoughts using the comments section below.

Must check: 15 Emotional Smileys Shedding Tears