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28 Facebook Emoticons in Bigger Sizes

July 15, 2014 / 4 Comments
Today, I tried creating the Facebook emoticons in high resolutions i.e., in bigger size. In this attempt, the emoticons of FB which I have created are close to the original emoticons but not exactly the same. But they look amazing ;-) Check out the below emoticons with the FB emoticons codes and let me know your thoughts on this.

Sometimes, it is difficult to get exact expression in smaller size so here you can view them in bigger size. Enjoy!! Don't forget to comment below :-)

13 Cat Smileys with Funny, Angry and Sad Expressions

July 1, 2014 / No Comments
Here you will find a new and very creative way of showing various expressions on a cat face. In this post, the graphics of cat has various expression mostly funny that can make you laugh/smile. Some of the expressions also include angry, sad and unhappy, these are also in demand :-)

Check out the below graphics and don't forget to share your thoughts on this.